What Makes Solution Quartz So Special?

Solution Quartz is a variety of quartz that was deposited in a “solution” when it began forming. Essentially, the quartz here began its journey in water. Here at Flash Mountain, you’ll come across something called Rectorite while you’re mining for crystals. Rectorite is a unique and interesting mineral in itself and it is known as a rare, layered silicate clay mineral of dioctahedral mica and montmorillonite. It has a multi-layered sheet structure, much like the structure of mica, and often has a shimmery sheen to it, making it very interesting to look at and even collect. The Rectorite is what essentially “contains” and protects the quartz from breaking or becoming damaged while still underground. Due to the presence of this mineral, the crystals are able to maintain their incredibly interesting forms, shapes and terminations when extracted with care and precision.

Our quartz is well-known for its intricate formations and rare habits, often producing pieces which bear many quartz crystals having grown in multiple directions and in unbelievable patterns. We have a large variety of quartz habits that are found in the mountain, each very different from the next. From curved, singular points to elongated, faden, tabular crystals, the specimens at Flash Mountain are uniquely mesmerizing with each one we extract from the Earth. We’ve come to realize that when it comes down to the formations of Solution Quartz, nothing is impossible!

Not only is the quartz here very special, but this is the only mine for Solution Quartz in the world. Neighboring the famous Jeffrey Stone Quarry, where Solution Quartz was discovered, Flash Mountain has brought forth a golden opportunity for collectors to come and dig for this exquisite material themselves. Aside from the beautifully gemmy quartz, our mine also produces another very rare mineral in the Chlorite group known as Cookeite, which can range in color from white and golden to green or even blue. Cookeite can be found in little balls atop quartz and it can also be included within the crystals you discover.

Whether you are an experienced miner or a brand-new digger, Flash Mountain is a great place to gain the experience of a lifetime, mining some of the most unique specimens found on the planet. If you’ve been thinking about visiting our mine, now is a great time to act on your desire. Booking is live on our website for the first part of our 2024 season. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to you visiting the mountain!


12 Unique Types of Quartz Found at Flash Mountain